
MMS Fitness Club

MMS Fitness

Maximising Muscle Success

MMS Fitness

Maximising Muscle Success

MMS Fitness Provides

A high-intensity, whole-body workout, using NEMS (Neuromuscular Stimulation) technology, a new and disruptive innovation designed for the fitness industry. NEMS reduces workout times to 20-30 minutes while enhancing the precision and engagement of target muscles. The system comprises a compact unit that produces discharges of varying power and frequency, along with electrodes positioned on the practitioner’s body. The muscle contractions induced by electrical impulses amplify the effectiveness of the workout. In terms of intensity, a 20-minute NEMS training session is comparable to two hours of exercise using simulators or free weights.


MMS Fitness training program combines regular gym workouts with NEMS Suit at the same time. This way of training helps to activate big group and underlying muscles which is never active during regular training. This way of workouts helps our customers to reach them fitness goals faster and more effective.

MMS Fitness provide customizable training plans based on our customer goals

  • Weight Loss
  • Shape and Tone
  • Strength Building
  • Muscles Gain
  • Endurance
  • Reduce pain and heal
  • Cardio Training
  • Flexibility and Mobility
  • Muscle Rehabilitation and Recovery for the Athletes

We will take care of you

Participant engaging in a NEMS training session at MMS Fitness, using specialized equipment to enhance muscle activation.

Empower your body
with MMS Fitness!